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Brenda Schimenti, CPNP and CPNP Foundation Executive Director

“Can we uninstall 2020, this version has a virus in it” memes have swarmed us on social media as an apt descriptor of the unwanted twists and turns our professional and personal lives have taken as we collectively battle the COVID-19 pandemic. Though they can’t compensate for the loss of life, the economic drain, the isolation, and other negative impacts of the pandemic, we can all find some of the silver linings of the pandemic such as more family time, deeper relationships, and innovation and inventiveness. The silver lining for the CPNP Foundation has been focus. 

The CPNPF Board, in consultation with the CPNP Board, spent a good portion of 2020 envisioning its future and exploring the impact we want to make in advancing the psychiatric pharmacy profession in collaboration with CPNP as our parent organization over our next decade.

Distilled down, the CPNP Foundation is focused on:

  • Supporting research
  • Supporting scholarship
  • Supporting practitioner development

And though we don’t want to wish away time, we are excited to kick off our next decade with renewed energy and focus with MORE of the following:



  • Student registration grants to CPNP 2021 will continue to introduce pharmacy school students to a rewarding career in psychiatric pharmacy
  • New! Each CPNP resident member will benefit from a $50 reduction in their CPNP 2021 registration to counter reduced educational support and allow them to benefit from the critical education, research dialogue, and networking provided through this annual event
  • Coming Soon! Up to 4 of CPNP’s 50+ student chapters will be provided a grant to support a local event or activity highlighting the role of pharmacy in caring for those with mental illness and/or addiction

Practitioner Development

  • New! Communicating virtually is more prevalent than ever and facilitating remote conversations and meetings requires unique skills. Learn and practice these much needed skills through our unique facilitator training featuring hands on application, coaching, and opportunities for implementation.

Aggressive goals of course require funding and though we know the pandemic has affected many, any donation you can provide, small or big, is helpful in supporting this increased slate of activities and services. You can easily donate online and watch our progress in reaching our $50,000 goal in 2020.

Another silver lining for CPNPF is the dedicated CPNP Foundation Board of Directors. We recognize member Dean Najarian, PharmD, BCPP, as he leaves the Board after 6 years of service. His passion for psychiatric pharmacy, his colleagues, and the patients we serve has contributed to the growth and success of the Foundation. Additionally, we recognize Ann Richards, PharmD, BCPP, Foundation Board member from 2010-2015, who we lost to cancer a few weeks ago. The time and talent that volunteers such as Dean contribute to the Foundation are the building blocks to continued success and impact.

We thank you for your support of CPNP Foundation and its initiatives. As we continue to weather the COVID storm, we hope you find your silver linings.

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