The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted all of us whether it is through budgetary constraints in health systems and other areas of practice or the increased communication with patients and colleagues through virtual means. Driven by its mission to advance the psychiatric pharmacy profession by supporting research, scholarship, and practitioner development, the CPNP Foundation (CPNPF) is working to be innovative in supporting psychiatric pharmacy during this global crisis through the activities detailed below:
Donate Now to Support CPNPF 2021 Initiatives
- Student Registration Grants: Though not new, CPNPF is pleased to offer 25 competitive student registration grants to CPNP 2021.
- Resident Registration Discount: In a summer 2020 survey, only 34% of RPDs indicated their resident would receive full registration support to CPNP 2021. As a result, CPNPF is extending a $50 coupon to each resident member of CPNP to help reduce the expense of CPNP 2021 yet ensure access to the quality information and networking available. Residents can use coupon code RESIDENT2021 at registration checkout.
- Facilitation Training to Conduct Effective Meetings: Facilitation skills are an essential tool for psychiatric pharmacists in their professional settings and in their patient interactions. This CPNPF funded training is intended to provide pharmacists with tools that can be used to foster collaboration in decision making and action - among individuals, organizations or communities. With facilitation training, CPNP is striving to train pharmacists to host meaningful conversations that result in shared decisions or resolve, reach consensus, hear all voices, let groups deal with more data in less time, pool individual contributions into larger more informative patterns, foster strategic thinking that leverages the group wisdom and creativity, and promotes high levels of group ownership for the resulting plan. These newly trained facilitators will practice their skills during the networking sessions during CPNP 2021.
- Trivia Night: Cap off a full day of learning at CPNP 2021 by participating in a trivia event designed to promote fun and the deepening of connections between new and old friends. More Information Coming Soon!
- #ShiningLightonMentalIllness: Be looking for more details about the CPNPF/NAMI 2021 fundraiser intended to blow up social media with hundreds of messages shining our light on mental illness. More Information Coming Soon!
More, More, More is our rallying call for 2021. In addition to all of the activities supporting you and your colleagues at CPNP 2021, CPNP Foundation will be supporting:
- A total of 6 Defining the Future Awards in 2021.
- Up to 4 total COVID-19 research grants
- A NEW grant program awarding dollars to one or more student chapters implementing a project or event that will impact their local community and/or students, including pharmacy students due to its focus on mental health and/or the value of the psychiatric pharmacist in improved mental health.
- A virtual Mental Health First Aid offering
We are working to combat a world of uncertainty and need with more…more research, more education, more professional development, and more local activities. We recognize the challenges our country is facing and that you may be facing. Whether it is a little or a lot, we ask that you support the important work of the CPNP Foundation by making a donation toward our campaign goal which goes 100% toward supporting our 2021 initiatives.
Donate Now to Support CPNPF 2021 Initiatives