In 2017, three Defining the Future Research grant applicants were selected to receive funds for their research projects which align with the CPNP Foundation’s mission and vision. As a condition of the grant, recipients were required to submit their research for abstract consideration and, if selected, present their research results as a poster at CPNP 2018. We are pleased to announce that all three grant recipients were selected as poster presenters, and all three grant recipients are award finalists! Award finalists will present their abstracts during the platform presentations on Monday, April 23, at CPNP 2018. Winners for all categories will be announced during the Poster Session on Monday evening.
- Amanda Colistro*, PharmD student, Midwestern University: Safe Opioid Prescribing Course Effect on Opioid Overdose Knowledge and Attitude Scales Across Multidisciplinary Students
- Andrew Naglich**, PharmD, VA North Texas Healthcare System: Association of SSRI/ SNRI Treatment with Substance Use Disorder Symptom Severity in Veterans with PTSD
- Deepika Rao*, Graduate Student, Duquesne University: Community Pharmacist and Substance Abuse Disorders: Attitudes, Knowledge and Practice.”
* Indicates a CPNP Foundation Strategic Goals Award Finalist
** Indicates an Original Research Award Finalist
These three posters will be recognizable during the poster sessions with a red sash indicating that they are a Foundation Grant Recipient. Additionally, all three presenters will be highlighted at the Foundation booth. We encourage you to visit these poster presenters while attending CPNP 2018.
In Fall 2018, the CPNP Foundation will once again be awarding up to three, $1500 Defining the Future Research Grants. The Foundation will be accepting online applications starting in May and are due by August 31.