The AAPP Foundation appreciates the generous donations given in recognition of others. This page lists honoraria from the last 2 years. Join us in thanking and recognizing the following people and groups:

In Recognition of Allen, Shari

  • Office, AAPP

In Recognition of Borovicka, Mary

  • Office, AAPP

In Recognition of Bowles, Toya

  • Johnson, Johnson &

In Recognition of Caley, Charles

  • Office, AAPP

In Recognition of Crouse, Ericka

  • Office, AAPP

In Recognition of Dorson, Peter

  • Johnson, Johnson &

In Recognition of Dress, Jennifer

  • Office, AAPP

In Recognition of English, Clayton

  • Office, AAPP

In Recognition of Hieber, Robin

  • Office, AAPP

In Recognition of Jackson, Kenneth H

  • Gutierrez, Cindy

In Recognition of McGuire, Michael

  • Office, AAPP

In Recognition of McKee, Jerry

  • Office, AAPP

In Recognition of Mulhollan, Jessica

  • Office, AAPP

In Recognition of Popish, Sarah

  • Office, AAPP

In Recognition of Punko, Diana

  • Office, AAPP

In Recognition of Saklad, Stephen

  • Steavenson, Rosana

In Recognition of Steavenson, Rosana

  • Office, AAPP

In Recognition of Tallian, Kimberly

  • Office, AAPP

In Recognition of Thomas, Christopher

  • Office, AAPP

In Recognition of Titus-Lay, Erika

  • Office, AAPP

In Recognition of Trott, Jayme

  • Johnson, Johnson &

In Recognition of VandenBerg, Amy

  • Office, AAPP