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Research grants are a primary pillar of our mission to advance psychiatric pharmacy, and the AAPP Foundation, with help from our generous donors, is proud to have funded 42 research and project grants over the past 9 years.

Taking on a research grant can be a daunting task, especially if the applicant is a trainee and new to the grant arena. The AAPP Foundation partnered with former AAPP Foundation Board of Directors member Carol Ott, PharmD, MPH, BCPP, to develop a video series to assist future research grant applicants. These videos reference AAPP Foundation grant programs but the themes are applicable to many research grant offerings from other organizations as well.

Topics include:

  1. Selecting a Research Topic
  2. Preparing a Grant Budget and Project Timeline
  3. Research Methods and Evaluation Strategy
  4. How to Fill Out a Grant Application
  5. Grant Maintenance
  6. Preparing a Grant Report

We hope prospective grant applicants will find this video series to be valuable. Please pass this along to students, residents, fellows, new practitioners, or anyone else that you think may find value.

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