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With the help of 191 donors, the CPNP Foundation collected $56,753 in 2021, surpassing our $50,000 goal! Thank you to everyone who contributed over the past year.

Money that is donated to the CPNP Foundation is used to assist with the Foundation’s core initiatives, including student scholarships to attend the CPNP annual meeting, Defining the Future research grants, Student Chapter Impact Grants, and leadership support. Foundation activities bring the Foundation one step closer to our mission to advance the psychiatric pharmacy profession by supporting research, scholarship, and practitioner development.

Thank you again to everyone who helped us monetarily and to those who helped us Shine Light on Mental Illness in 2021. Your support is very much appreciated, and we hope that you will continue to support us as we become the AAPP Foundation in 2022 and beyond.

2021 Donors

Acholonu, Wilfred W Gardner, Kristen N Park, Susie H.
Alastanos, Jennifer N Gasper, James J. Paxos, Chris
Alipour, Azita Gillies, Leigh Peroutka, Brianne K
Allison, Kristen Goren, Jessica L. Phan, Stephanie V.
Anderson, Keith D. Gould, Stacy L Poole, Elizabeth
Ansara, Elayne D. Grady, Sarah E. Preinitz, Jennifer
Bean, Jennifer Griffith, June A. Price, Paul L.
Benner, Sarah L Gutierrez, Cindy A. Price, Scott
Binns, Lindsey N Hall, Catherine S. Putney, Jessica M
Bishop, Danielle L. Hamby, Kerri Radtke, Michelle L
Bishop, Jeffrey R. Hamill, Mary Lou Reinman, Christi
Bogart, Gregory T Hansen, Karen P. Rey, Jose A.
Boggie, Danielle Hawley, Joanne M. Rickles, Nate
Boggs, Angela Hieber, Robin N Rivera, Heidy
Borovicka, Mary C. Ho, Jessica L Ross, Clint
Bostwick, Jolene R. Hoefling, Austin D Rowe-Varone, Linda J.
Boyle, Julia S Holland, Joshua Ruekert, Laura F.
Brahm, Nancy C Holt, Joe E Rutschman, Robert L
Brandt, Nicole Hopkins, Tiffany M Saklad, Stephen R
Braswell, John P House, Naomi A. Sarashinsky, Megan M.
Brehon, Rose Mone Johnson, Johnson & Scarpa, Jose
Brown, Matthew Jones, Rebecca L. Schimenti, Brenda K
Burdge, Gary Kahlon, Christie H Schulte, Samantha L
Burk, Bradley Kelly, Deanna L. Silvia, Richard J
Caley, Charles F. Kirkwood, Cynthia K. Singer, Brandy A.
Campbell, Austin R Kissack, Julie C. Smigiel, Joseph
Cardoni, Alex A. Klahs, David P Smith, Allison M
Cates, Marshall E. Knox, Erin D Smith, Skyler J
Chard, Nathaniel Kurilla, Susan Sommi, Roger W.
China, Carol O Lacro, Jonathan P. Sotelo, Samantha P
Cobb, Carla D. Laird, Lyle K Sparks-Dallas, Lavonda J
Cole, Miranda L Lee, Kelly C. Spollen, Shelly M.
Coleman, Debra S Levin, Gary M. Springborn, Paul W.
Crouse, Ericka L. Liu, Mei T. Sproule, Beth
Crow, Sharon M Logan, Linda D Steavenson, Rosana
Cullen, Marissa Lott, Rex S. Stimmel, Glen L.
Cunningham, Julie L. Love, Raymond C Stock, Chris
Cusimano, Joseph M Mahto, Jaimi R Stoner, Steven C.
Daniel, Jeremy Markowitz, John S. Straley, Craig
Denio, David P Mathys, Monica Stutzman, Danielle L
Digatono, Amie Jo McGill, Monica Tallian, Kimberly B
DiPaula, Bethany McGuire, Michael Taylor, Daniel S
Donations, Facebook McKee, Jerry R. Thedford, Sheryl
Dopheide, Julie A. Mehlman, Kaylee Thomas, Christopher
Dorson, Peter G. Melton, Sarah T. Thornton, Randall L
Douglass, Amber R Mican, Lisa M. Tiefenthaler, Casey
Drogemuller, Lisa H. Miles, Talia M Tillery, Erika E.
Dulac, Rosemary Miller, Lindsey N Titus-Lay, Erika
Dutton, Traci M. Mintz, Eileen Trott, Jayme
Earl, Stephanie Miskle, Benjamin VandenBerg, Amy M.
Edwards, Nancy Mitchell, Melissa Vayda, Lisa K
Ehret, Megan J. Montgomery, Jamie L. Vertrees, Julia E.
Ellingrod, Vicki L. Morstad, Anne E. Wackernah, Robin C
Ereshefsky, Larry Mulhollan, Jessica L Walters, J.Ken
Evans, Roswell Lee Murphy, Mireille Wehring, Heidi J.
Fankhauser, Martha P. (Chambers) Nagy, Emily D Weinstein, Sujin Lee
Finley, Patrick Najarian, Dean M. Wells, Barbara G.
Finocchio, Brittany Nelson, Leigh Anne Werremeyer, Amy
Fowler, Joan B Nichols, Stephanie Williams, Andrew M
Fuller, Matthew A. Ott, Carol A. Williams, Kelly E
Furmaga, Kevin M. Ouranos, Haleh Williams, Raeschell D
Gana, Grace Palmer, Emma C Wong, Kara R
Garcia, Crystal Pals, Haley Zwack, Andrew


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