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This year, the CPNP Foundation celebrates 10 years of existence, from 2011 to 2021. Over the past 10 years, we have shined light on mental illness, supported research, championed stigma reduction, awarded over 50 research grants, and funded hundreds of registration/travel grants. New in 2021 were leadership development initiatives and student chapter impact grants to support the next generation of health care leaders! Read 10 ways that your gifts to the CPNP Foundation are supporting psychiatric pharmacy and donate today to help us reach our year-end goal.

This year, the CPNP Foundation celebrates 10 years of existence, from 2011 to 2021. Over the past 10 years, we have shined light on mental illness, supported research, championed stigma reduction, awarded over 50 research grants, and funded hundreds of registration/travel grants. New in 2021 we supported leadership development initiatives and student chapter impact grants to support the next generation of health care leaders! Below are 10 reasons how your donation to the CPNP Foundation supports psychiatric pharmacy. Donate today to help us reach our year-end goal.

The CPNP Foundation is:

  1. Increasing Awareness of Psychiatric Pharmacy
  2. Impacting Local Communities
  3. Growing the Profession of Psychiatric Pharmacy
  4. Engaging Students in Psychiatric Pharmacy
  5. Combatting Stigma
  6. Supporting Patients
  7. Cultivating Leaders
  8. Promoting Networking and Collaboration
  9. Advancing Practitioner Development
  10. Advancing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)

See more about our initiatives at

CPNP Foundation’s mantra for the next decade is MORE…more research, more education, and more professional development. Whether it is a little or a lot, we ask that you support this important work. Please consider a donation today to help us achieve our goal of raising $50,000 in 2021 to round out 10 amazing years. Give online or mail donations directly to the CPNP Foundation at 8055 O Street, Ste. S113, Lincoln, NE 68510. We are extremely thankful for your continued support and we look forward to doing even more with you at our side.


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