With the COVID-19 pandemic in full swing, 2020 was a tough year for many people. Even with the world going through so many changes and restrictions, 171 people supported the CPNP Foundation with their donations, and we are incredibly thankful. Thank you to everyone who contributed over the past year.
Money that is donated to the CPNP Foundation is used to support our mission of advancing the psychiatric pharmacy profession through research, scholarship, and practitioner development. Thank you again to everyone who helped us monetarily to continue this important work. Your support is very much appreciated, and we hope that you will continue to support the CPNP Foundation in 2021 and beyond.
Alastanos, Jennifer N | Gummersheimer, Adam D | Pals, Haley |
Albiar, Olivia S | Hall, Catherine S. | Pearlmutter, Charles |
Alibeckoff, Chloe C. | Hamby, Kerri | Perkins, Ashley |
Alipour, Azita | Hamill, Mary Lou | Phan, Stephanie V. |
Allison, Kristen | Hansen, Karen P. | Plon, Harold L |
Anderson, Keith D. | Herbst, Claire | Price, Paul L. |
Ansara, Elayne D. | Ho, Jessica L | Putney, Jessica M |
Arce-Holguin, Katherine | Hopkins, Tiffany M | Reed, Ellen |
Ballew, Angel L. | House, Naomi A. | Rey, Jose A. |
Benner, Sarah L | Howard, Devyn D | Richard, Michelle |
Bhavsar, Nisha | Ibrahim, Hajer | Roe-Choi, Kathrine K |
Bickley, Mark | Iny, Lillian | Roerig, James L. |
Binns, Lindsey N | Jackson, Cherry W. | Rowe-Varone, Linda J. |
Bishop, Jeffrey R. | Johnson, Johnson & | Sabbaugh, Adam F |
Boggie, Danielle | Johnson, Kayla D | Saklad, Stephen R |
Borovicka, Mary C. | Juarez ( nee Case), Kristin BIlane | Sarashinsky, Megan M. |
Bowles, Toya | Kattura, Rania | Scarpa, Jose |
Bozymski, Kevin | Kelly, Cecile | Schneiderhan, Mark E. |
Brahm, Nancy C | Kirkwood, Cynthia K. | Scotti, Anita M |
Burghart, Steven M | Knox, Erin D. | Select, Thought Leader |
Byrne, Erin L | Koch, Jessa M | Sherwood, Devon A. |
Caley, Charles F. | Kolacny, Kristie | Siegel, Nathan |
Cardoni, Alex A. | Kurilla, Susan | Silvia, Richard J |
Carr, Chelsea N | Lacro, Jonathan P. | Smigiel, Joseph |
Cates, Marshall E. | Laskey, Corey S | Smith, Allison M |
Chen, Jack J. | Le, Leanna | Smith, Tammy |
Cobb, Carla D. | Lee, Kelly C. | Smith, Tawny L. |
Cole, Miranda L | Lettmann, Shelly L | Sommi, Roger W. |
Crismon, M. Lynn | Levin, Gary M. | Sparks-Dallas, Lavonda J |
Crouse, Ericka L. | Lintner, Kim | Stauffer, Ginny L. |
Crow, Sharon M | Lister, Jonathan F | Stimmel, Glen L. |
Daniel, Jeremy | Logan, Linda D | Stolz, Patrick A |
Denio, David P | Lott, Rex S. | Stoner, Steven C. |
Digatono, Amie Jo | Love, Raymond C | Stutzman, Danielle L |
Dike, Dozie N | Markowitz, John S. | Sullivan, Tracy D |
DiPaula, Bethany | Maroney, Megan | Tallian, Kimberly B |
Dopheide, Julie A. | Mathys, Monica | Tewksbury, Ashley T |
Dorson, Peter G. | McGuire, Michael | Thedford, Sheryl |
Douglass, Amber R | McKee, Jerry R. | Thompson, Susan C |
Drezen, Warren I | Melton, Sarah T. | Thornton, Randall L |
Drogemuller, Lisa H. | Mican, Lisa M. | Tillery, Erika E. |
Dutton, Traci M. | Michaels, Mika S | Trichtinger, Rachel P |
Ehret, Megan J. | Miller, Lindsey N | Trott, Jayme |
El-Ali, Jasim M | Mitchell, Melissa | Twitty, Michelle Gravlin |
Fankhauser, Martha P. | Montgomery, Jamie L. | VandenBerg, Amy M. |
Ferris, Ryan Elizabeth | Morrow, Gina | Vertrees, Julia E. |
Finley, Patrick | Mullen, Sandra | Wackernah, Robin C |
Fowler, Joan B | Murray, Amanda | Walkerly, Autumn |
Fratantonio, James | Najarian, Dean M. | Walters, J.Ken |
Fuller, Matthew A. | Nazarian, Pargol | Watanabe, Mark D. |
Furmaga, Kevin M. | Nelson, Leigh Anne | Weber, Stanley S. |
Gardner, Kristen N | Nemire, Ruth E | Wehring, Heidi J. |
Garris, Shauna S | Ngwaba, cynthia n | Wells, Barbara G. |
Geier, Michelle L | Norberte, Cherisse | Williams, Andrew M |
Gordon, Tiffany L | Ott, Carol A. | Williams, Yolanda F |
Gould, Stacy L | Ouranos, Haleh | Woldu, Rahel |
Grady, Sarah E. | Pabis, Dennis J. | Zwack, Andrew |