If your home is similar to mine, there is a package waiting at your doorstep from Amazon nearly every day. One evening this week a thin brown envelope was propped on the ledge of the doorway. When I inquired as to the contents, my husband said, “It is a map.” It really was a huge map! In this day and age of Google Maps, MapQuest, and GPS via a smartphone or car dashboard, I thought how novel it was to have a paper copy in hand to plan how to get from here to there.
This year the CPNP Foundation Board will be mapping a path for the future in even closer collaboration with the CPNP Board, our parent organization. We will be reviewing our current initiatives with a goal of more tightly aligning the CPNP Foundation’s mission and vision with CPNP’s mission and goals and improving operational efficiencies.
With your help, the Foundation continues to fund travel grants for students to the CPNP Annual Meetings and student/resident research projects. At the Annual Meeting, Mental Health First Aid will again be available to students.
We hope that you will support the #BeThe1To Campaign for suicide awareness and prevention at the Annual Meeting. You can purchase a t-shirt during registration or at the meeting, commit to #BeThe1To by signing the on-site banner, and snap a quick selfie! Feel free to wear your t-shirt proudly during and long after the meeting to share the message.
The Foundation is grateful to you, our supporters, for your continued generosity. If you have any suggestions or recommendations on the future initiatives of the Foundation, please feel free to contact any board member.