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CPNP Foundation wishes to thank its generous donors for their cumulative giving to the CPNP Foundation. To become a donor, please visit the CPNP Foundation website and make a donation today!

Acholonu, Wilfred W Lizer, Mitsi H.
Alastanos, Jennifer N Lopez, Alicia
Alawode, Florence Lopez, Francisco
Alipour, Azita Lott, Rex S.
Allen, Shari N Love, Raymond C
Alliance for Patient Medication Safety Lubben, Gary
Allison, Kristen Maas, Mark S
Alvarez, Hilda M Mackzum, Adrienne
Anderson, Keith D. Makela, Gene H.
Ansara, Elayne D. Malhotra, Jodie V.
Argo, Tami R. Maloney, Patrick
Arguedas, Lisa M Marino, Jehan
Atherton, Abril Markowitz, John S.
Ayala, Allen Marsh, Samantha M
Bacon, Opal Marz, Karla
Bailey, LaGenia Mathys, Monica
Ballew, Angel L. Matthew, Emily K
Bean, Jennifer McCoy, Lindsay
Biederman, Toy S McDonough, Kathy E.
Binns, Lindsey N McGuire, Michael
Bishop, Danielle L. McKee, Jerry R.
Bishop, Jeffrey R. McNamara, Lucy D
Bishop, Kristen L Medical Marketing Studies, Inc
Black Proctor, Gail Medlock, Kristen
Boggie, Danielle Melton, Sarah T.
Bonanno, Christina M Menon, Leena
Borovicka, Mary C. Mican, Lisa M.
Bostwick, Jolene R. Middleton Colwell, Juanice
Botts, Sheila R. Miller, Stacy
Bowles, Toya Mitchell, Melissa
Boyle, Cynthia J. Modi, Manisha
Boyle, Julia S Moeller, Karen E.
Bozymski, Kevin Montgomery, Jamie L.
Brabson, Jennifer Morstad, Anne E.
Brahm, Nancy C Mulder, Ruth A
Brown, Matthew Mulhollan, Jessica L
Brunet, Nicole Mullen, Sandra
Burghart, Steven M Murphy, Heather C.
Burks, Emalie Musoke, Gideon Kisuule
Byrne, Erin L Nagy, Kristen
Caballero, Joshua Najarian, Dean M.
Caley, Charles F. Namdar, Rocsanna
Callahan, Gayle National Alliance of State Pharmacy Associations (NASPA)
Campbell, Austin R Nassar, Nader
Cardoni, Alex A. Nelson, Jennifer L.
Carr, Chelsea N Nelson, Leigh Anne
Carstens, Ashley Nemire, Ruth E
Caruana, Stephen S Ng, ShuYing
Catalano, Joseph p Nguyen, Tony A
Cates, Marshall E. Nguyen, Victor
Caudill, Christopher J Nichols, Stephanie
Cauffield, Jacintha S Norberte, Cherisse
Charlestham, David Norman, Sarah
Chavez, Benjamin Nuck, Emilie
Chen, Ivory Oderberg, Adam
Chen, Jack J. Ogunmekan, Amen I
Christensen, Hannah Oji, Chinelo
Clark, William R. Oji, Valerie U.
Cobb, Carla D. Okafor, Ijeoma C
Cohen, Lawrence J. Oliveira, Rosana C
Cole, Keva K Ott, Carol A.
Cole, Miranda L Ouranos, Haleh
Connell-Robertson, Sarah A Ouyang, Shuang
Cook, Aveleigh Overman, Gerald P.
Creative Educational Concepts, Inc. Palmer, Emma C
Crismon, M. Lynn Pan, Isaac
Crouse, Ericka L. Park, Susie H.
Crow, Sharon M Patel, Seema
Cullen, Marissa Paxos, Chris
Cung, Dinh D. Payne, Gregory
Cupples, Nicole L Peckham, Alyssa M
Curtis, Judy L. Peroutka, Brianne K
Czeck, Emily E. Peters, Lindsey
Dahl, Bradley Pfleging, Robert
Daniel, Nicole M Phan, Stephanie V.
Darling, Diane Pierron, Andy
Davis, Cassandra Pikoulas, Theodore E
Davis, Erica Plon, Harold L
Ddamba, Anthony K Preinitz, Jennifer
De la Rosa, Aileen Price, Paul L.
Denio, David P Price, Scott
DeVane, C. Lindsay Putney, Jessica M
DiPaula, Bethany Puzantian, Talia
Dishman, Ben R. Radtke, Michelle L
Dopheide, Julie A. Rajab, Ramadan H.
Dorson, Peter G. Raleigh, Fred
Douglass, Amber R Reddy, Tara
Drezen, Warren I Reese, Jordan R
Drogemuller, Lisa H. Reinstatler, Kristina
Duchesneau, Josee Reinstein, Vera F
Dufresne, Robert L. Rey, Jose A.
Dugan, Sara E. Reynoldson, Jill
Dulac, Rosemary Richard, Michelle
Dutton, Traci M. Richards, Ann L.
Eapen, Neena Richardson, Korin A
Earl, Stephanie Rivera, Rachel
Eatmon, Courtney V Robeff, Pamela K
Eberly, Mary E Rock, Melissa
Edelen, Cynthia A Roe-Choi, Kathrine K
Edwards, Nancy Roerig, James L.
Ehret, Megan J. Roestenburg, Sadie
Eichel, Elizabeth A Ross, Clint A
Eilers, Michael D. Rutschman, Robert L
Elias, Willishea J Ryan, Emily J
Ellingrod, Vicki L. Ryan, Melody
Elliott, Ellie Sachdeva, Parsh
Ellison, Justin C Sajbel, Terrie A.
Elsobky, Teresa M Saklad, Stephen R
Englett, Bri Saldana, Shannon N
Ereshefsky, Larry Sanderson, Melanie
Fankhauser, Martha P. Sarashinsky, Megan M.
Fantz Hancock, Rachael M. Scarpa, Jose
Farinde, Abimbola Schimenti, Brenda K
Farkas, Christine Schlesinger, Erica B
Finley, Patrick Schneiderhan, Mark E.
Finocchio, Brittany Shadwick, Charese
Fischer, Matthew G Shi, Jia
Flynt, Thomas H. Shirley, Kara Lee
Foreman, Megan M Shoyer, Steven W
Formella, Andrea E. Silvia, Richard J
Fowler, Joan B Small, Danielle C
Franson, Kari L. Smigiel, Joseph
Fuller, Matthew A. Smith, Allison M
Furmaga, Kevin M. Smith, Tammy
Gabel, Teri L. Smith, Tawny L.
Gable, Kelly N. Sommi, Roger W.
Gardner, Kristen N Soukkala, Amber N
Garfield, Paul F Spollen, Shelly M.
Geier, Michelle L Springborn, Paul W.
Givone, Donna M. Squires, Karrie S
Goga, Joshana K. St-Yves, Jean
Gold, Jeff Stanislav, Steven W.
Goldsborough, Sarah Stark, Nichole M
Goldstone, Lisa W Stauffer, Ginny L.
Gonzalez, Misty L Stearns, Tyler
Goren, Jessica L. Stephenson, Ann E
Grady, Sarah E. Stimmel, Glen L.
Griffith, Carol Stoa, Morgan K
Grimsley Augustin, Sara Stock, Chris
Guggisberg, Shannon S Stoner, Steven C.
Gummersheimer, Adam D Straley, Craig
Gutierrez, Cindy A. Straw, Kristyn
Hahn, Susan M. Stutesman, Kayla M
Haight, Robert J. Stutzman, Danielle L
Hall, Colleen P Sung, Hyojin
Hamadani, Laleh Susa, Brandon
Hamill, Mary Lou Sykuta, Alyssa
Hampton, Abigail Taber, Elizabeth J
Hansen, Karen P. Tacelosky, Mark
Hardy, John Tallian, Kimberly B
Hawley, Joanne M. Teter, Christian J.
Heesch, Chelsie B Thedford, Sheryl
Held, Jacob T Thiel, Julie A
Hieber, Robin N Thomas, Christopher
Hoeft, Dawn M Thomas, Kelan
Hofer, Greg Thomas, Michele D
Holcomb, Kesoma Thomas, Michele L.
Holland, Joshua Thompson, Deborah L.
Holley, D Anne Thompson, Laura J
Hommerding, Philip J Thompson, Susan C
Hommerding, Sarah A. Thompson, Todd B
Hoot, Erica Tillery, Erika E.
Hopper, Jessica Timely Data Resources, Inc
House, Naomi A. Titus-Lay, Erika
Hughes, Caitlin M Tomko, John R
Hvizdos, Andrew J Toney, Gregory B.
Iny, Lillian Trott, Jayme
Jackens, Douglas H Trout, Megan G
Jackson, Cherry W. Twikirize, Gad
Jackson, Marie-Therese Twitty, Michelle Gravlin
Jenne, Victoria J Vadipour, Omeid
Johnson, Allen VandenBerg, Amy M.
Johnson, Eric Vanderveen, R. Pete
Johnson & Johnson Vento-Correa, Maria M
Johnson, Stephanie Verbanac, John
Jones, Rebecca L. Vertrees, Julia E.
Juarez, Kristin BIlane Vickery, P. Brittany
Kahlon, Christie H Volin, Linda L
Kaltsounis Puckett, Juliana Wackernah, Robin C
Kando, Judith C. Wagner, Kaja
Kane, Christine D Walter, Andrea
Kasper, William Walters, J.Ken
Kattura, Rania Watanabe, Mark D.
Kauer, Jill Weber, Stanley S.
Kelly, Deanna L. Wehring, Heidi J.
Kern Sliwa, Jennifer Weisser, Lisa K
King, Joshua G Wells, Barbara G.
Kirkwood, Cynthia K. Wells, Daina
Kissack, Julie C. Werremeyer, Amy
Knox, Erin D. Wigal, Sharon B
Koller, Katherine L Wijesinghe, Ruki
Kuenast, Marcia Wilkinson, Patricia A.
Kurilla, Susan Willborn, Robert J
Lacro, Jonathan P. Williams, Kelly E
Laird, Lyle K. Wilson, James E.
Lakey, Susan L. Wincor, Michael Z.
Laskey, Corey S Winistoerfer, Niccole M
Lawson, Brian Winterswyk, Andrea
Lawson, Marietta F Woldu, Rahel
Leader, Alexandra Wong, Kara R
Lee, Kelly C. Woodard, Todd J
Lee, Sujin Wright, Clinton W.
Lettmann, Shelly L Wrigley, William
Letts, Victoria Yoshida, Patti
Leung, Jonathan G. Yuan, Xiaojuan
Levin, Gary M. Zacher, Jennifer L.
Li, Chengqing Zwack, Andrew
Lintner, Kim  


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