At the CPNP Annual meeting in Phoenix, the results of the CPNP Foundation stigma survey were presented by Dr. Vince Giannetti and Dr. Khalid Kamal. This stigma research project involved developing an original, 101-item survey for community pharmacists which focused on their provision of pharmacy services and their comparative opinions about working with patients who have mental illness.
The comparative opinions section of the survey measured pharmacists' attitudes, perceptions and beliefs about patients diagnosed with a mental illness. Information about pharmacist demographics, knowledge and practice characteristics were also collected. A brief summary of the findings are provided below:
Two separate manuscripts have been prepared to describe the results of this survey, the first manuscript presents the survey data and the second manuscript analyzes the survey data to determine relationships between service provision and comparative opinoins regarding mental illness. These manuscripts will be submitted to Psychiatric Services for review.
Members of the CPNP Foundation who participated in this project include: Barbara Wells, Dean Najarian, Jerry McKee. Collaborators from Duquesne University include: Vince Gianetti, Khalid Kamal, Jordan Covvey, Tyler Dunn, and Pratyusha Vadagam.