Matthew Fuller, PharmD, BCPP, FASHP
The CPNP Foundation Board met in November 2016 to develop a new three-year strategic plan. Our primary goal was to establish core strategies while being mindful of our current resources. The strategic planning meeting was deemed a success with the development of a new strategic plan, including a new mission and vision statements, along with core strategies for 2017-2019. I am excited to share it with you!
To enhance the capacity of pharmacy professionals to provide effective and compassionate treatment of individuals with mental disorders.
To be recognized nationally as the conduit for connecting:
Core Strategies
To accomplish these core strategies, the Board will work to grow the number of qualified pharmacies listed in the Mental Health Directory by investing in its expansion. We will also continue to place high value on pharmacy students and residents interested in Mental Health. The Foundation currently supports research scholarships and student travel grants which we plan to expand for the benefit of pharmacy professionals, our profession, and the patients we serve. The Foundation plans to work collaboratively with our parent organization (CPNP) to capitalize on the complimentary visions and synergy of the two organizations as well as disseminate a statement that articulates the unique value, relevance, and impact of the CPNP Foundation. Lastly, the Board will strategically recruit individuals with diversified perspectives, skill sets, and passion to serve on the Foundation Board.
The Board was unanimous in its support of the new strategic plan. We hope you are too and will show your support by making a financial donation and/or by becoming a Legacy Partner with a bequest to the Foundation. We look forward to seeing you at the CPNP Annual Meeting in April where we plan to visit with you more about the Foundation at our booth.