Matthew A. Fuller, PharmD, FASHP, BCPS, BCPP
CPNP Foundation President-Elect
One of the four core goals of the CPNP Foundation’s strategic plan is to establish ongoing, accessible communication to raise awareness and promote engagement. One of the ways this is being accomplished is via this quarterly newsletter, the Kaleidoscope. Another critically important way to improve communication is to roll out a new web site with social media interconnectivity.
We are proud to announce that the new web site is now live at, with the help of CPNP Foundation staff and volunteers.
Although we continue to expand our efforts on an ongoing basis, the web site focuses on key details: organizational information (“About Us”), our initiatives, resources for patients and caregivers, news and upcoming events, and how to contribute.
About Us: This page outlines our vision and mission, lets the reader view and read about the Board of Directors, and our Strategic Plan. I encourage you to familiarize yourself with Board members and feel free to contact them with questions or concerns. Please take some time and review the strategic plan. The Foundation has accomplished many of its goals and will be conducting a strategic planning meeting early next year to create a bold new plan for 2016 through 2018.
News & Events: This page provides the latest newsletter and press releases, including the most recent announcement regarding the Career Achievement Award. Glen Stimmel will be the recipient of the 2016 Career Achievement Award which will be presented at CPNP’s Annual Meeting in Colorado Springs.
How to Contribute: This page helps people contribute in different ways. To recognize contributors, it lists the founding members of the Foundation, lifetime contributors, 2015 donors and makes it very easy for you to make your 2015 contribution to help the Foundation to extend the reach of psychiatric and neurologic pharmacy.
Initiatives: This page allows you to access a wealth of information about the most recent work of the Foundation. We are working on initiatives to help community pharmacists to better meet the needs of patients with neuropsychiatric disorders. Our mental health pharmacy directory is set to go live this year! You will see that the Defining the Future Research Grant Program is in full swing, with four research grants awarded to students and residents. You will be able to see the results of their work at the Annual Meeting. The Foundation understands that our future leaders will come from our pool of student members, and thus our support of student travel grants is very important. The Foundation will provide travel grants for the third consecutive year to help students to attend the CPNP annual meeting. We welcome your input on our current initiatives and would like to hear about initiatives that you feel are important for us to pursue in the future.
Patients & Caregivers: This page highlights a new guide for patients with psychiatric disorders and their families: “What You Should Expect from Your Pharmacist.” We will collaborate with other organizations to achieve broad distribution of this guide with the goal to elevate patient expectations of their community pharmacist. Check it out, and let us know what you think.
Finally, you can support the continued efforts of the CPNP Foundation by clicking “Donate Now” on any page of the web site and either make a pledge or a donation. To make things easier, you can also log in with LinkedIn or Facebook. We are asking CPNP members and supporters to make their donation at this time so their gifts will be recorded for the current fiscal year and can support the important work of the Foundation throughout 2016.
Even if you cannot donate today, please visit the new web site and follow us on your favorite social networks using the buttons at the very bottom of the page.
The Foundation Board welcomes your feedback on our new web site. We will be working to continuously improve it, and your input is vital. Thanks for your many efforts to support CPNP and the CPNP Foundation.